Premji Invest

Premji had done incredible work with no web presence and a word-of-mouth brand, but wanted to formalize – and own – their public image.
We helped them get visible, celebration-worthy credit for their philanthropic and investing work. 

Premji Invest’s vision, mission, and operational structure are tied to the philanthropy of Azim Premji, a billionaire technologist. This makes the way they operate differently than most investment firms. They don’t raise capital (funds come from Mr. Premji’s Foundation). They don’t exit companies often, taking a long view to growth. And the majority of their returns feed directly back into the Foundation, making their capital evergreen and self-generating — infinite.

For the Premji brand, I played off of the idea of infinity to pull the firm’s unique mindset and do well to do good mission into focus, building it into subtle animations, an energetic, generative home page full of news and new ideas.